

Meet Criss Wolff, a dynamic visual artist from Toronto, Ontario. Renowned for his passion about oil painting and drawing/sketching, Criss brings a vibrant palette and a captivating sense of depth to his creations. He fearlessly challenges the norms of abstract painting, weaving innovative styles into his tapestry of expression. With the enduring allure of oil colors and the tangible three-dimensionality, his artworks stand as timeless testaments to his unwavering dedication and artistic evolution

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Though his artistic approach continuously changes, each piece satisfies the curiosity about the possibilities colors and shades can unveil when harmoniously blended. Criss brings a vibrant palette and a captivating sense of depth to his creations. He fearlessly challenges the norms of abstract painting, weaving innovative styles into his tapestry of expression. For more info about Criss Wollf, the creation process, galleries and more, check out the info page.


The Art of Wolff

Join me in my journey of rediscovering and crafting my own art through unconventional mediums and materials, all while expressing my unique perspective.

Criss Wolff


Paintings and Drawings
Nonconventional oil / spray paintings  and sketches.
Short film and music video scripting and production. 
Art and travel photography.